Item 01: Ellis Ashmead-Bartlett diary, 1915-1917 - Page 196
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There is no question that the country is getting more and more agitated at the present time and disatisfied with the Government. Everybody knows that something is wrong, and it does not seem clear to anybody what the proper remedy is, and one is met everywhere with the stock reply "Well if you turn the present lot out, who would you put in their place?'' After my long talk with Winston I became more determined than ever to make a complete disloosure of the whole situation in the near East to risk the censorship because I felt absolutely certain in my own mind that the Government would take no stepwhatsoever against you. Therefore this afternoon Berry sent a man around from the "Sunday Times" to interview me. I gave him the strongest possible statements and then wrote to Berry that he could only go in on conditions that it was not first submitted to the censor. To his he consented. Having finished this I cleared off down to the country with Fenton.
Saturday October l6th
At Temple. Played golf all day with Kerr, Seymore and Fenton.
Sunday October 17th
This morning the interview appeared in the "Sunday Times" in full. It caused a tremendous sensation. The first person to ring me up was Lord Northcliffe to ask permission to reproduce part of it in The Times" and "Daily Mail". To this I consented. Kerr Seymore thinks that both the Editor and myself will be locked up, but I think otherwise. We returned to London in time for dinner and dined with Joe Coyne, who had also been down to Temple at Ciro. Then we went on to a party given by Gina at her house. This was a very great success and it did not break up