Item 01: Ellis Ashmead-Bartlett diary, 1915-1917 - Page 116
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Saturday July 3rd.
I remained at Imbros all day working. The only news of importance is that General Girouard the New French Commander in Chief, who has been a pronounced success up to date has been wounded. He was visiting the hospital and had just left when he was blown back into it over a ten foot wall by a high explosive shell. Without actually been touched he has had his leg and arm shattered and is I understand finished for the remainder of the campaign. The shelling of Lancashire Landing goes on incessantly. We now have batteries at Totts Point which try and keep it under. The affair is very serious because if we are stuck here for the winter we shall be obliged to land in Asia to obtain a position in Morto Bay which is the only kind of harbour at which we shall be able to land stores in bad weather
Sunday July 4th
Spent all the morning writing an article on the famous Gully Ravine. In the afternoon I went up to G. H.Q and heard a French transport had been torpedoed and sunk in two minutes off Helles. Perhaps this a is a blessing in disguise as our Fleet was showing signs of getting active again. Saw Maxwell Gen Fuller and the French Captain Berthier.
Monday July 5th
At Imbros. Worked all the morning. Continous heavy firing from Helles Maxwell came over and lunched with me. He seems very disgruntled with evrything. There are rumours we have sunk two of the enemy's submarines. In the afternoon I went off and visited Carter on the Balloon Ship and promised to try and get him a better job.
Tuesday July 6th