Item 01: Ellis Ashmead-Bartlett diary, 1915-1917 - Page 111
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reach a point ealled Gourka Bluff from which we had intended to watch the advance. But we arrived too late. The action was in full progress and shells and bullets were falling everywhere. We therefore made our way close to Generl de Lisle the Commander of the 29th Division's Headquarters and entered the Observation Post of the 10th Battery R.F.A. From this vantage point we obtained a splendid view of the fighting. (For full account see elsewhere) This battery was commanded by Major Wynter an excellent gunner and very agteable fellow who was thanked after the engagement by General de Lisle for his splendid shooting. The bullets and shells fell very thick around us all day. and one battery the 0 97th R.F.A. got knocked out by a Jack Johnson. I returned to camp about fourpm thoroughly exhausted from the heat and noise and general discomfort. I went and had a bathe which did me very little good. That night I stayed with Bettleheim and had an excellent dinner at their Mess which is known as the Hotel Ritz
Tuesday June 29th
At ten am I called on the 10th Battery R.F.A and saw Major Wynter. Together we made & tour of all the captured Turkish trenches dangerous and hot work but all the same extremely interesting. (For full account see elsewhere). I lunched at the 10th Battery and on my way home called on General de Lisle who received me in a very friendly manner. He was very satisfied with the result of the day's work and declared this was the only way to succeed in war namely by attacking segments of the enemy's line. He said no general attack ever would succeed these days. He is quite right. Passed the night at Bettleheims.
[Full account of action reported in Ashmead Bartletts' despatches]