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overrun long before the Allies could hope to cpncentrate a sufficient force with sufficient transport to strike a side blow against Bulgaria. I told him that all these expeditions in the East were utterly futile and only led to a dangerous dispersion of our forces which was playing into the hands of the Germans who wished to get us deeply involved with their Balkan Allies. He seemed deeply impressed with the arguments I brought forward and said he agreed with them entirely. I stayed to lunch with him Leo Maxse and the Editor Geoffry Robinson. We had many very interesting discussions.

On leaving Northcliffe said 'Young man there is a great responsibility on your shpulders only you are in a position to bring home to the Government and the country the true sit state of affairs in the Near East' Maxse then took me off to the House of Commons to try and find Carson. We saw him at three at his house. He was obviously very worried over the whole situation. He has not attended the last three Cabinet Councils his reason being that they begin and end in useless discussions and that no decision is ever arrived at. I found it difficult to get his real view on the situation. He disapproves of all side expeditions and considers the Dardanelles Force ought to be withdrawn but on the other hand he maintains that our honour is pledged to t go to the assistance of the Serbians whether it is too late or not. He wishes to resig but does not like to at this stage. In fact I left him very confused as to what his real views are on anything. One thing is certain. He is animated by just as keen a I hatred as ever of his political opponents and he is by no means com-

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