Item 01: Ellis Ashmead-Bartlett diary, 1915-1917 - Page 154
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Wednesday August 11th
This morning it became evident that the 9th Corps was in no position to make any further attempt to advance and therefore Nevinson and I decided to return to Imbros to send off cables and to have a wash and a rest of which we were both badly in need. Nevinson however decided to pay one more visit to the front. I caught a trawler which left at two am On returning to our camp I found Marshall Gen Douglas A.D.C. From him I learnt what had happened at Achi Baba. It appeares there were several attempts to advance but that all ended in disaster. The Turks had been strongly reinforced and were ready for us. In fact it is said we anticipated there attack on our lines by four hours.
This May or May not be the truth. In any case our attacks were disastrous and bloody failures. The 42nd Division which advanced against what is known as the vineyard lost seventy five officers and sixteen houndred men. The 29th Division also lost heavily and our total casualties are I am told not under five or six thousand in this quarter alone. The Turks fought with a vigor they have not displayed for a long time and came out in whole battalions to counter attack us. It is now quite evident that the attack has been a total failure all along the line. The Anzac Corps did splendidly and I found some very interesting accounts of the part played by the New Zealanders waiting me from Ross. I also found several letters from home.
Thursday August I2th
All day at Imbros writing dispatches of which I have now got off four. Met Smith the Australian Correspondent who gave me many interesting details of the part played by the Australian troops. Wrote another dispatch.