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of the regulations. Lawrence, it appears, had been given a severe talking to, at Keyes request by the Captain of the "Triumph", Fitzmaurice. I found Lawrence on board and had a talk with him, and tried to give him some general instructions as to how he should behave, and on what subjects he should wiite. I then returned to the "London" and he, himself on the following day was transferred to the battleship "Cornwallis", commanded by Capt. Davidson, the son of old General Davidson, whom I knew so well at Eastbourne.
Thursday April 22nd.
It was now obvious that the start of the Expedition could not be much longer delayed. In three days time, the moon would have waned, and we could rely on pitch dark night. The weather, which for some days had been very fine, now suddenly came overcast and squally, raising a short choppy sea, which gets up very quickly in the Mediterranean, and which would render a landing in boats extremely difficult, and precarious. This afternoon I went on shore for the last time, and had a farewell walk through the little village, and out into the country, accompanied by the parson of the "London", and an R.N.R. Lieutenant who had been on some Australian line. On returning to my boat I found Sir Ian Hamilton waiting on the quay and had a final talk with him. He seemed to be extremely confident and in excellent spirits, and even told me a funny story. I asked him at what he reckoned the chances, he seemed to think they were very good. He told me that he thought the Turks had about 35,000 men actually on the Gallipoli Peninsular. Personally I was far from sharing the confidence of the General, and my