Item 01: Ellis Ashmead-Bartlett diary, 1915-1917 - Page 6

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[Page 6]

It is desirable also that Mr. Bartlett should make a statutory declaration guaranteeing that these documents are really what we purchase them for, that is, originals of despatches and memoranda as he has offered to sell to Mr. Robertson according to the rough memoramdum in Mr. Robertsons possession.
      Your commission on the transaction will of course be at the rates customary between us, that is 10 per cent, on the maximum limit price of the Trustees, viz., £300; and the Trustees will recoup you any expenses which you May consider it necessary to undertake in arranging and completing the transaction.
      We understand and agree to the condition of purchase mentioned by Mr. Bartlett, namely that the documents after purchase by the Trustees will be regarded as confidential, and locked away in the Mitchell Library safe during the continuance of the war and for a period of two years after the declaration of peace. We desire you to exercise your own excellent judgment in making the arrangements which you consider necessary to safeguard the Trustees in your dealings with Mr. Bartlett.
I am, dear Sirs,
Yours faithfully,
W. H. Ifould,
Principal Librarian.

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