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Ashmead Bartlett Papers - Conditions of purchase and arrangements re deposit in Mitchell Library.
Public Library Of New South Wales.
5th April, 1916.
Messrs. Angus & Robertson, Ltd.,
Castlereagh Street,
Dear Sirs,
Referring to my conversation with Mr. George Robertson yesterday concerning the proposed purchase of originals of despatches from Mr. Ashmead Bartlett, I have to say, with the approval of the President of Trustees, that I shall be glad if you will endeavour to purchase for the Trustees the documents mentioned on the rough list submitted to Mr. Robertson by Mr Bartlett, comprising the original typewritten despatches before alteration by the censor, and the same as altered, Mr. Bartlett's memorandum to the British Cabinet concerning the state of affairs at the Dardanelles, and his briefer memorandum submitted at Mr. Asquith's request on the ' same subject, together with any other similar documents which May have been offered by Mr. Bartlett; the whole at a price not exceeding £300. We expect that you May be able to secure these documents at no greater sum than £200, but as the papers mentioned are typewritten and presumably contain no manuscript other than Mr.Bartlett's signature, it is desirable that if possible the author should add manuscript annotations where such would serve to explain or elucidate any part of the despatches or other papers, or would add value by connecting them with circumstances which May have arisen since the papers were written; such, for instance, as a note attached to the letter to Mr. Asquith, stating that this was forwarded at Mr. Asquith's request as more suitable for submission to Cabinet than the longer memorandum dated June 6th, 1915, also that Mr. Bartlett considered that this shorter memorandum to Mr. Asquith led to his, Mr. Bartlett's, withdrawal and probably the evacuation of the Gallipoli Peninsular; and any similar particulars which might increase the value of such documents.
In order that Mr. Bartlett should be encouraged to make such manuscript addenda, we are willing to pay him an extra sum on receipt of the documents, such sum to be estimated by us after considering the increased value which such documents would possess through the addition of such manuscript memoranda.
Whatever else should be added in the way of manuscript, it is necessary of course that each document should bear the autograph signature of Mr. Bartlett.
We desire that you and your agents in London should take such precautions as you May consider necessary to ensure that these originals of the despatches and memoranda should be the only copies sold or distributed in any way by Mr. Bartlett, except that he May have the permission which he demands to utilize any part of these papers for the preparation of the book-which he mentions he will at some future time publish concerning the whole matter.