Item 01: Ellis Ashmead-Bartlett diary, 1915-1917 - Page 66

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one on board by letting off of 12 inch and 6inch guns. The enemy replied vigorously and we had a lively time on board but his aim was as usual bad and we continually shifted our position so as to put him off. The Majestic also came under fire as she lay at anchor. Finally we were struck by one 5-9 Armstrong Whitworth Shell which came in on the starboard side amidships and damaged two cutters and finally bursting in the battery. We left the Dardanelles at 1 pm and at four ofclock I sailed on a trawler for Cape Kefalo Imnros to visit Commodore Keyes and William Maxwell. To-day a signal came round the Fleet of the decisive success gained by the Australians at Gaba Tepe on the I8th and I9th when they repulsed the great attacks of the Turks under Von Sanders in person. On arriving at Kephalo I went on board the Triad and saw Keyes who told me I could not have a yacht but that I might hire a motor boat if I could get hold of one.

I then went on board the Arcadian and dined with William Maxwell and got Jack Churchill to give me a cabin for the night. After dinner I went to Sir Ian Hamilton's cabin and had a long talk with him. He wished to impress me with the idea that things were going very well. I pointed out that very large reinforcements would be necessary to carry the expedition through whereupon he replied 'They have promised me two more Divisions and then turning to Braithwaite the Chief of the Staff he said 'We must not worry the old man too much. He is very pleased with us now and in time we shall get all we want out of him' He then discussed the plan of campaign and seemed to think all his troubles would be over once he had taken Achi Baba which he regaded as the key to the Narrows. He seemed confident he would be able to take it at the next attempt with

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