Item 01: Ellis Ashmead-Bartlett diary, 1915-1917 - Page 126

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account of the dead Turks. Always the same old denunciations of the Generals especially of Hunter Weston whom no one has a goodcword to say for. To-day Brooks having left I set to work the conquer the intricaces of the cinemetograph machine and by sitting up late I finally succeeded. Nevinson and myself had to abandon our proposed trip to Helles on account of the weather which was too rough. Aubrey Herbert I came over and spent the night. I suddenly ran across Howard de Walden on the beach. He has been made M.L.O here. He was just the same as ever and came up and dined. To celebrate this reunion we drank a few bottles of Champagne. I have been felling rotten for days from this constant stomach trouble. So have most of the others.

Thursday July 22nd
Nevinson and and Aubrey Herbert went to Anzac this morning having changed our destination from Helles because the Military Authorities seem to think it likely the Turks May make an attack because the 23rd is the anniversay of their Constitution. I am willing to lay 5-1 they do nothing of the sort. However in war one must not take any chances. On arriving the Turks as usual shelled the pier from Gaba Tepe. We first visited Quinn's and Courteny's Posts where I took a number of cenimetograph pictures. Colonel Malone a hard old New Zealand knut and South African Veteran showed us round. On returning I lunched with General Godley and the Staff of the New Zealand Australian Division. Lord Henry Bentinck is there and Colonel Braithwaite, no relation to the General, is the C.S No I. In the afternoon we went out to Walker's Ridge and examined the positions from that side being shown round by General Russell the Brigadier.

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