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and subsecquently lunched with him. It is nearly fifteen years since I was last in Marseilles. How much water has flowed under the bridge since then. In the afternoon I drove round the town and had tea at I Gurney's country place. Sailed at 6-30 in a wretched little Massagerie boat the Memphis for Malta. We were overcrowded and badly fed but fortunately the sea was calm.
Thursday June I7th At Sea in the Memphis
Friday June I8thAt Sea in Memphis. What a wretched way to pass the one hundreth anniversary of Waterloo on a third rate French steamer frightened by submarines. I produced two bottles of Champagne collected all the English on board dragged in the French Captain and made them all drink to the hundreth year of peace between England and France. That is the best we could manage. Saturday June 19th Arrived at Malta at 10am. Went and saw Admiral Limpus who asked me a great many questions about affairs at home at what they thought of the Dardanelles Expedition. He said he would send me up to Mudros on the Agememnon on Monday. Sykes and I went to stay at the Osborne Hotel and I proceeded to collect stores and more kit.
Sunday June 20thAll day in Malta writing and working. Heat is great. What a desolate hole it is. Shall be glad when the war is really over.
Monday June 21st Sailed at 4pm in the Agememnon Captain Fyler for Mudros. She is a fine
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