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that the future of the campaign out here must he largely dependant on the measure of success that attends our fresh offensive, in conjunction with the French, in the West. It is no use pretending that our prospects for the winter are bright. The Navy seems to think it will be able to keep the army supplied in spells of calm weather provided a sufficient reserve of food munitions and ammunition is concentrated while the weather holds ate the various beaches. The outlook for the unfortunate troops is deplorable. We do not hold a single commanding position on the Peninsula and at all three points Helles, Anzac and Suvla Bay we are everywhere commanded by the enemy's guns. This means that throughout the winter all the beaches and lines of communication to the front trenches will be under constant shell fire. Suvla Bay is especially exposed.
The Turks are firing a fair amount of ammunition but it is obvious they are feeling the shortage or else are carefully husbanding their supply otherwise they could shell us off the Peninsula at some points altogther. But it must be remembered that as soon as they are absolutely certain our offensive has shot its bolt, and that we are settling down in our positions for the winter, they will be free to concentrate their artillery at certain points and also to bring up big guns from the forts and therefore we must expect a far more severe artillery fire on the beaches during the winter months than we are exposed to at present. A great many of the trenches which we hold at present will have to be abandoned altogther during the winter as they will be underwater. This will mean concentrating the army at certain points on dry ground and preparing a series of defensive works which will insure us against sudden surprise attacks. We could thus hold our positions with fewere men and rest some of the Divisions from time to time in the neighbouring Islands
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