Item 01: Ellis Ashmead-Bartlett diary, 1915-1917 - Page 241

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[Page 241]

of the naval and military authorities. There will be no need for us actually to storm the lines of Bulair if they are considered too strong. We can establish fortified line across the peninsula north of them. For this purpose a force of five Divisions should ensure success, provided at least two of these Divisions are troops which can be absolutely depended upon without a preliminary trial, which has so often proved necessary with our new formations. As far as I know, the landing can he covered and assisted most materially by the guns of the Fleet right across to the Straits.

This force May seem very large but it must be borne in mind that the exact numbers of the enemy are not accurately known in Thrace, and we must he prepared to meet any formations he might send against us from the north, in addition to those who are now in the Gallipoli Peninsula. These are, I believe, estimated to amount to anything from seventy thousand to one hundred thousand. Personally, I am inclined towards the lower figure, after the heavy losses he has suffered. This fresh landing north of Bulair will force the enemy to conform to our plan of campaign, more especially if it can be carried out as a surprise. The Turks are now entrenched in fixed positions opposite Anzac and at Achi Baba. You cannot move troops thus entrenched rapidly. All his guns are in fixed positions and would take days to move north to meet the new menace. I would not advocate using the troops now at Seddul Bahr and Anzac for this new movement, but it might be

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