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heavy loss and great delay. On the ground we hold there is only room for the employment of a limited number of troops, but the reserve divisions can be kept in the neighbouring islands. In time, given sufficient reinforcements and a large supply of Field Howitzers, we might slowly work our way forward and occupy the Kilid Bahr Plateau. But again I would repeat, this means a vast operation of war, endless delays, and then only the attainment of a limited objective.
The New Objective.
Therefore it would seem we must abandon our early objective and seek for another which should lead to decisive results. We should eliminate any idea of active assistance from the Fleet, except submarines, and regard the situation purely from the military standpoint. The whole of the Gallipoli peninsula has, in fact, been transformed into an immense fortress. We are supposed to be besieging it, but, instead of cutting the enemy1s communications and consequently stopping his supplies, we are endeavouring to force a way forward through the entire length of his successive lines of works. This must be wrong, judged from almost any military standpoint. Therefore, there is only one alternative plan, namely to concentrate all our efforts to get astride the peninsula either at, or rather north of, Bulair. I cannot speak from personal knowledge of the character of the landings available, as I have never been so far north; but all such information is in possession