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[Editor's note: It is not known when, if at all, this version was seen by Mr Asquith]
[Handwritten notes]
This was prepared at request of Mr Asquith who thought the "Review" [was 20pp?] too long for submission to the Cabinet
GR 6/4/16
Summary of Long Memorandum to Cabinet
E. Ashmead Bartlett
Memorandum On The Situation In Gallipoli.
The Fleet
For the time being, the Fleet can play no active part in the reduction of the Straits. In fact, our ships now never attempt to go beyond Tott's Battery. The enemy's mine field is intact, the damage to the forts at the Narrows has been made good, and the existence of concealed torpedo tubes on shore is perhaps the most serious obstacle of all. In addition, the presence of the enemy's submarines has greatly complicated the difficulties. The lighter vessels can, however, assist in keeping down the fire of the enemy's batteries and from time to time battleships will have to be employed for this purpose, especially in searching the ground behind the Kum-Kale Yeni-Shehr Ridge on the Asiatic shore.
It is a fundamental error to assume any longer that, if we are able to occupy the southern extremity of the peninsula so as to embrace Kilid Bahr and the European shore of the Harrows, we have opened the gate to Constantinople for the Fleet. The enemy has been engaged for two months in forfifying the longer reach of waters stretching from the Narrows to the entrance of the Sea of Marmora by placing heavy guns in field works on both shores, in preparing new mine fields and torpedo tubes; and, in addition, he is reported to be prepared to sink ships to guard the passage a scheme, however,