
but know the little [?] in close for them - they may do tolerantly well or they may not that's their chance - but rough it they must -
As far as I can see the labr's [labourers]  class are most required  -  at least until wants of the Colony increase, even they it appears are often in gt.[great] distress, altho [although] without doubt were matters judicially managed means ought to be made out to employ many thousands more than find their way to this part of the world  -  this is yet a country for the handy intelligent labrs. [labourers] to get on, but they can only expect to do so by industry and labor [labour] and then but gradually  -  most of them come out with wrong notions  -  being under the impression that they are to be ladies and gent's [gentlemen] upon landing  -  and that money may be made without trouble  -  happy delusion  -  it's too almost invariably the case that those who have suffered the greatest hardship and want at home are out here the most independent and improvident & extravagant.  Great numbers always hang about Melb. [Melbourne] objecting to push[?] up the country, being I suppose afraid they may be murde. [murdered] by the Aborigines, and served up as a dainty at one of their feasting jollifications

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