

                 September 1856

My dr. Father
                           Some considerable period has passed since receiving your last ltr [letter] announcing 'Nats' marriage and his being about to enter into business at Bilderstone  -  having been looking most anxiously for further communications hoping to obtain more information stating how he is getting on and if eventually it is likely to answer his hopes and expectations  -  have not had a ltr [letter] from him for a very long period and I do trust my inability to write to each of my friends individually has not been misconstrued into either indifference or neglect - it is of course much easier for many to write to one thing for one to write to many - Can assure you it has at times been most difficult more so than you would imagine to write to even a few - being often so much [?] work [?]work - Will endeavour to give you some slight idea how I've been situated -
A few months since I undertook in [?]
Well my dear F I must came to a conclusion let me beg you to reconsider me to my many friends All round - Mr [?] Brown Townsend working [?] all members of Lodge

Current Status: 
Ready for review