John H. W. Pettit letters to his family in England, illustrated with sketches by the writer, 1852-1868 - Page 172
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wanted my Articles which of course I couldn't produce, this he stuck at and at last advised that I should place myself under some one in the Town to prove what I was in the field. I have since had it quietly intimated that some one else was in view = So I suppose the [indecipherable] was to get me quietly out of the way for 2 or 3 mos. It would be alright the vacancy would of course be filled up, and I might perhaps get a promise to be remembered the next vacancy that occurred - "Walker" - I know I was now or never = and stuck to it = Wrote again to the Surveyor Gl The Chief Clerk tells me he is so much engaged, that he cannot now go into the matter, but that it is probable I shall be sent down to be tried by the Surveyor in Charge. This is all I want and have no fear for the result if I get anything like fairplay - So my Dr F You must not feel vexed