John H. W. Pettit letters to his family in England, illustrated with sketches by the writer, 1852-1868 - Page 18
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The Atrevida. - The Melbourne Argus, of December 8, has the following testimonials from the passengers of the Arevida to Captain Shearer:-
To Captain Shearer, ship Atrevida. - Port Philip, Dec. 6, 1852. - Dear Sir, - The ship Atrevida having accomplished her passage from London to Port Philip in 83, and from land to land in 78 days, we, the undersigned cabin passengers, feel desirous of expressing our sincere thanks for your kindness and attention during the voyage, the shortness of which must be mainly attributable to your constant and unwearied exertions. Wishing you and your fine ship every success, we are, dear sir, yours truly - Mr. and Mrs Learmonth, George Dawson, Richard Jarmouth, John Buckham, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh L. Taylor, William Brockwell, Mrs. Hardman, W. C. Thurger, M.R.C.S.L., ; W. Crawford, Lieut. R.N. ; J. M'Kendrick, David B. Brown.
To Captain George Shearer, of the Atrevida, - We, the undersigned passengers in the intermediate cabin of the ship Atrevida, which sailed from London on the 12th day of September, 1852, having come to the termination of our voyage to Port Philip, after the very satisfactory passage of 78 days from the time of our leaving English land til our arrival at the port of our destination, take the opportunity, before leaving the vessel, of conveying to you an expression of our high approbation of your conduct during the voyage, believing as we do, that, with winds frequently adverse to the progress of the ship, it has been mainly owing to your indefatigable perseverance, continual watchfulness by night and by day, and your superior seamanship, joined to the excellent sailing qualities of the vessel, that our voyage has been brought to so successful a conclusion without a single case of ill-health on board ; and, while expressing our sense of what is due to the able navigation of the vessel, we would take leave to state that, from the complete satisfaction we have all along enjoyed, in so far as regards the quality and quantity of our provisions, we are convinced that, if equalled, they have not been surpassed by those of any emigrant vessel that ever sailed to the port of Melbourne ; and in adding our best thanks to you for your uniform attention to every passenger on board, we most sincerely wish that the same success which has attended you in this voyage may always follow you in future. - James Brown, James Ballantine, Geo. Vallentine, Alex. Durie Stracathro, Thomas Stiven, Richard Pybus, John Smith, Peter Sinclair, John Spencer, John T. Vorley, Alex. Tulloch, Alex. Hume, J. B. Gardner, H. W. Pettit, Wm. Woods, E. Sothern, Robert Taylor, Edward E. Marsh, William E. Marsh, H. E. Hunter.
Extract from Shipping Gazette Mar [March] 26th 1853.