
 him it would be a yet [?] harder one - poor fellow I'm most sorry for him - the past would have a very prejudicial influence over his prospects - don't you think so yourselves?  Pray consider well before you advise his return - It was with much sorrow I read so poor account of Gdf [grandfather] W - but I trust he is improving - give him my best and kindest etc etc [?] How are all the good people at St. Larrunce [Laurence?]  Is Rich " the same as ever" - have they any more family?  Aunt [?] is she [?] give my [?] when you write.
How is my old estimed [esteemed] friend William
Bird getting on, glad to know Aunt and family are
all well - Am almost afraid my apparent neglect leads my friends to imagine themselves forgotten -  if so they very much in the wrong & their inference most unjust  -  How much I would like a
few months spell to give you all a visit - Relations appear to be [?][ most rapidly -
I must say I consider it very wrong of you not to wear glasses now you are a Granny, it is most decidedly a part of your duty to do so - Judging from the photograph, you really look younger than when I left home, people will hardly

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