John H. W. Pettit letters to his family in England, illustrated with sketches by the writer, 1852-1868 - Page 201
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Anglo - had I seen it in the makers hands I could have suggested a slight & trifling alteration & addition or two that would have been [?] but altogether it is a far better instrument than I expected to receive, and I am most satisfied and pleased with it - Adie deserved to sell some few for the trouble he has taken, and could mine be seen by many of the surveying staff in this country he would I feel certain orders from some of them - My Chief Mr Dawson approved of it highly, and said had he to take the field again he would have one = this if not paying, is at least pleasing to a maker = The instrument is a very good recommendation.
The only damage that occurred to it, was the microscope glass for the vertical limb was broken, but that is of but little conseq.ce and can at any time be replaced. =