State Library of NSW
[page 31]
the passengers cook gets on of this from each person which is [?] out to him deductn from the quantity given to passengers for tea water which is boiled all together at once - each getting his allowance in [?] pot ie to do what he will with it = the same at tea time = two days in the week pea soup is boiled for all - the [...] giving round [...] it from all whose who wish for any - for this another quart. is deducted from our quantity - leaving us 1½ pints per person - The serving out the water lasts until about ¼ to 8 - Grog is served out every day } ½ Gill where is ½ quart.r } On the Sunday we get preserved beef - which is beef boiled & preserved in dripping in painted tin cans hold.g about 2 quarts { a can is usually given out to 2 men to open when they please } - Also preserved potatoes - ( which are potatoes cut into small pieces diced & stowed away in large airtight kegs hold.g [?.] gallons} Monday Ham is served out, which cooked in the galley boilers { also preserved [ word crossed out] Soup or Bouilli - in cans similar to the beef. Tuesday we get a pint of milk each preserved in cans {[..] to word crossed out] others } each holdg. a qt. { the quantity for the week - also Butter Sugar Tea Coffee. beef or Salt pork - Weds.y - Preserved Beef. Potatoes - Thursday Salt pork - Friday [word crossed out] Preserved Beef - d.o Soup - d.o fresh fish { Haddock or herrings { Salt - Flour, Raisins, Peas, Rice. [word crossed out]
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