State Library of NSW
No 2 13
Yet the article I have described if possible never mind a few pounds extra if necessary as a first rate instrument of this kind would be invaluable to me - Troughton and Simms {136 Fleet Street { are by far the best makers of this class of instrument - explain what I want and get them to fit it up { they never send out a bad article { if they cannot supply it get one from Adie { he is sure to have an agent in London { of the very best and similar to that described work [word crossed out] an extra needle - and fitted up to answer my purpose - The one which I saw of his make had no clamping screw or slow motion below [?] or turn the instrument bodily round should wish this added
My Mr [?] M may cash [ indecipherable] this for me as soon as you possibly can as I shall be on greater int of the principal things mentioned and not having them may involve me in a scrape - two or 3 [?] of the articles an [and?] for parties but I will send you the cash for all as soon as I get them as well as for any expense you may be [?]
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