John H. W. Pettit letters to his family in England, illustrated with sketches by the writer, 1852-1868 - Page 323

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tage, which is suffered by our own troops is from their being unable to come with the natives in the bush, to which they retire on the first alarm of danger. The natives are too cunning and know too well in what their strength consists, to be induced to venture themselves on open ground, where, of course, they would be no match for the well-trained British soldier. Although the British arms have met with a series of unfortunate reverses hitherto, we cannot but anticipate final victory, although it may be at the loss of much life and property. 

The opera season has come to a very successful conclusion, and Mr. Brooke and his old company are now back again at the Royal. The Princess is devoted to melo-drama and burlesque, while the Prince of Wales is now tenanted by a troupe of Ethiopian Serenaders. Miss Provost has concluded a farewell engagement at the Royal, prior to her departure for Europe.
The Prince of Wales Theatre, Sydney has been destroyed by fire. 
Signor and Signora Bianchi have sailed for Tasmania, and on their return will make a tour in the provinces. It is expected that they will again appear in Melbourne in about four months.
The Cricket season has commenced, and an attempt is being made to raise a sum of money for the purpose of bringing out an All England Eleven, to play the Colonial cracks. 
The racing campaign commenced on Saturday last with an afternoons Steeple chasing. The sport was first rate, and the attendance showed no falling off in the popular appreciation of the great national pastime. 

The subscription which was set on foot a few weeks ago to get up a testimonial to (indecipherable), the Hero of Palermo, has been attached with success. Three hundred pounds have been subscribed, principally in small amounts, and it is expected that this sum will be augmented to £500 or £600.
The volunteer movement has within the last few months progressed greatly. We have now 3000 men available and well trained in arms considering the short practice they have had. The unsettled state of Europe at the present time, and the withdrawal of the troops to New Zealand has to be a great extent excited the martial energy of the people. The listless spirit which was (indecipherable) a few months ago has now given way to a more (indecipherable) feeling. Rifle Corps are springing up all over the colony: the original corps are being strengthened by an (indecipherable) of men : and we (indecipherable) not that before long we shall have a force of 5000 volunteers, who will give a warm reception to any enemy that should venture to land on Victorian soil. Not are we entirely dependent upon the rifle and the held piece. The (indecipherable) of the coast and Hobson's Bay are being fully constructed. Batteries have been commenced on the beach between St. Kilda and Sandridge. One has been completed and mounted by six 32 pounders, and another which is nearly finished will be mounted with 68 pounders. Half a dozen such batteries as these in the locality in which they are situated, will be, we should think, an effectual obstacle to the landing of the enemy. The fortifications at Queenscliffe at the entrance of Port Phillip Bay, are also being proceeded with as rapidly as can be expected considering the limited appliances available and with these and other defences in the course of construction we shall soon be able to congratulate ourselves upon having the means in our power of making an effectual resistance to the landing of any hostile force. 
The war in New Zealand has caused great distress amongst the settlers near the scene of the outbreak, New Plymouth, and a considerable sum of money has been subscribed for the relief of the settlers. Some has been already expended in the purchase of stores, which have been forwarded. Money has also been subscribed for the relief of the widows and orphans of the soldiers of the 49th Regiment who have fallen in the New Zealand war.
The Exploring Expedition, the departure of which from Melbourne we noticed in our (indecipherable), as from the accounts we have received making fair progress, and will soon reach the confines of the settled districts. The problem which they are now engaged in solving is one which has excited the attention of Victorians, in fact Australian Colonists generally, for many years past, and it will be a great disappointment if, after the expense which has been incurred, the Expedition turns out a failure. Not that we anticipate any such result. Mr. Burke, although not a practised explorer, is an  experienced bushman: he has able men under him, and he is fortified with a novelty in Australian exploration- the camels. When we consider what difficulties (indecipherable), Mitchell, Eyre, and others encountered from the meagre news of their outfits, and yet they succeeded in opening up vast (indecipherable) of country which have since been turned up by the ploughshare and grazed grazed over by flocks and herds, we are indulging in an ill founded  speculation in hoping that this, the most recent and expensive of Australian exploration expedition may result in the discovery of new mines of wealth, and, that what ever theorists may indulge in with respect to the probable barrenness of the interior of this vast continent, many fertile valleys and hills and dales may be (indecipherable).
Mr. W. H. C. Haines, an old colonist, and well known as the head of a former administration, is expected from England, in the Lincolnshire. His friends have, with a desire to take time by the forelock, elected him member of the Legislative Assembly for Portland. 
The Melbourne and Suburban Railway has been nearly extended to Hawthorne, about four miles from Melbourne, and the trains are now running to a locality near Hawthorne, known as the Survey Paddock. 
The Melbourne and Geelong Railway is now in the hands of the Government, who have completed the transfer of it from the shareholders. The fares have been considerably reduced, an alteration which has been attended by a large increase in traffic. 
The Annual Show of the Port Phillips Farmers' Society took place on the 3rd and 4th instant. The show of implements and machinery, much of which were colonial manufacture, was exceedingly good, and the show of stock was also very creditable. During the two days the Exhibition was held there were between five and six thousand visitors. 
A nugget almost of pure gold, weighing some 50 lbs, was recently  found by four natives of the Emerald Isle at the (indecipherable) Diggings. It was purchased by the Oriental Bank, the value of it being some £2,100: an in appearance it is a flat piece of gold, about the size of a large meat dish, interspersed with a few pieces of quartz. The lucky finders have, we believe, have since emigrated to the Snowy River, to try their fortune there: but considering the unfavourable accounts from these diggings, and that nuggets of 50 lbs weight are to be found on Victorian soil, it would perhaps have been better if they had let well alone. 
Within the last few weeks the increase to our population by immigration, has been larger than for a considerable period, and since our last (indecipherable) between 2000 and 3000 persons have arrived from Great Britain. The (indecipherable) of wages or rather downward than upward, but employment is more plentiful, and less precarious than it has been for some time, and the expenses of living are now extremely moderate: indeed, with the exception of house rent, the cost of the necessaries of life in Melbourne is less than in England. This much is certain, that the effect of a revival of immigration, even to the most limited extent, is beneficial. New arrivals create new wants, and there is scarcely any bounds to the number of able bodied workers that the colony could absorb: of clerks, shopmen, and the educated poor we have more than a sufficiency. 
The following is the latest market report:
No improvement for agricultural men will take place until mowing commences, which will be shortly. Shearing is in full season: and prices, according to the depressed times, highly remunerative. The demand for married couples very slack. Few will be taken with families, except they are useful. Skilled labour, as usual, not much to request. Females in fair demand, especially if they are used to milking and dairy service.
WITH RATIONS: Married couples fr home stations and service per annum, £60: for hotels, £65: do, with families, £50 (indecipherable) per week: farm labourers (indecipherable): bullock drivers (indecipherable): gardeners, from £52 to £60 per annum: shepherds from £30 to £35 per annum: hut keepers £26 per annum: blacksmiths, for (indecipherable) 35s per week: carpenters, (indecipherable): rough carpenters, 20s per week:  wheelwrights, 35s (indecipherable): waiters, from (indecipherable): hay cutters and trussers, 4s to 5s per ton or 25s per week: lads, to drive bullocks, from 8s to 10s per week: carters, from 18s to 20s: lads to milk, 8s to 10s per week. Shearers, 15s to 15s 6d per hundred, with rations: 18s and find themselves. 
WITHOUT RATIONS: Carpenters, 10s, per day; masons, from 14s: plasterers and bricklayers, 10s to 12s: quarrymen 8s to 10s per day: blacksmiths, 10s to 12s : able pick and shovel men, 7s : fencers, three rails, 2s to 2s. 6d per (indecipherable), according to the ground : wire fencers, with rails, 1s 6d to 2s per rod : splitters of posts and rails, 20s to 25s per 100, according to the (indecipherable) : stone breakers, no average price can be stated, few persons will take that employ if any other is to be had, so many have been cheated. Wood cutter is per ton.
FINALE SERVANTS - Cook and laundressies £30 to £35 per annum for hotels, restaurants, (indecipherable) for private families, 20: housemaids 26: thorough competent women for general housework, £30 : upper-class nurse maids £26 per annum: nurse girls, from £14 to £20: needlewomen £26 to £30: if they are dressmakers, £35 per annum.
The following rates are current at present in Melbourne, for provisions and garden produce:
Bread, 4th loaf...........................9d.
Apples, per lb............................4d.
Meat.................................4d. to 7d.
Onions, dry, per cwt..................20s., per doz, bunches......1s.
Potatoes, per cwt........................8s.
Sugar, per lb.......................4d to 6d.
Tea..........(indecipherable) to 3s. 6d.
Coffee....................................1s. 6d.
Butter, per lb, fresh..1s.9d. salt. 15d.
Ducks, per pair.............................7s.
Eggs, per dozen.......................... 3s.
Geese, per pair.......................... 16s.
Hen, per pair.................................7s.
Rabbits, per brace............. 4s. to 5s.
Turkeys, per pair...............18s to 20s.
Beer...6d.per glass, 1s. 6d. per quart.
Do., bottled................12s, per dozen.
Gas..........17s. 6d, per thousand feet.
Wood.................12s to 20s, per load.
Coals, English..................£2 to £2 5s.
Do, Colonial..........£1 16s to £1 (indecipherable)

Printed for the Proprietors, at the HERALD Office, Bourke Street, Melbourne.

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