Whakopo (a fussy keen-eyed chief, who has got a notion that he is a great orator, and who is an active supporter of the King movement spoke of Potatan as "the father of the land and of the people" and this remark elicited the information that "Father of his people" was the title originally and very warmly desired for Te Whero Whero by the most intelligent of his supporters, if not by himself. Matenga said, I shall keep my pakehas : and Moto supported this words of Tomati Ngapori, W. Taylor and Ti Ori Ori, and altogether discountenanced the idea of going to Taranaki. Paora (of Oraki) observed : The King speakers have talked about the error of the Governor in this matter ; I also have seen the error of William King ; and you too (the King party)also understand William King's error, for he has written a letter to you which [indecipherable] it ; you all know his error, whether you speak of it or not. I know you have all seen it. The setting up of the King without any cause or authority is the cause of all this disturbance. {Here the King party became very asthmatic, and interrupted Paoro with their coughing; upon which Paoro remarked :You want to put down everybody who does not agree with you : and he also twitted them with not having ventured to reply to Wi Tako's letter.} - Tati (son of Te Whero Whero) said: If we go to Taranaki, let us go through the Governor: if he is disposes to make peace, then will be the time for us t go. If there be any lands on which payments have been made by the Governor, let them be made over: and let us keep those we do not wish to sell. Wakepo here interrupted Tati, who replied by repeating what he had just said; William Barton then addressed the assembly with great energy, urging the maintenance of peaceful relations with the Europeans : he was listened to with marked attention. Raihi and Ruihani followed on the same side and discountenanced interference in the Taranaki quarrel.
"Early on Monday (28th ult.) William Naylor and his party struck their tents and took their departure; but not before Naylor had again urged Te Whero Whero to break off his connections with the leading agitators of the King movement.
"Prior to the Forero being resumed, the youths and boys set to work very vigorously at various games, such as leaping and racing. The races were very well contested. The 'course' was kept clear by men with whips made of flax ; the biped races were started with great precision : subscriptions were made for prizes for each race ;and the victors were carried in triumph on the shoulders of their backers.
"The first topic mooted at this day's talk was the letting of 'runs' to Europeans. A young man declared that Potatan had decided to allow white men to lease native lands ; but the assembly seemed to doubt the intelligence, which received an authoritative contradiction the following morning by the issue of a proclamation by Potatan stating that he did not sanction the leasing of runs to Europeans.
" Te Ori Ori recalled attention to the subject they were met to discuss the Taranaki question. He wished Wiremu Kingi's claim to be inquired into, and the mail to continue to go overland. he also announced that he had agreed to go to the conference of chiefs summoned by the Governor, to be held at Auckland in July. (This announcement appeared to be far from acceptable to the King party.)
"Ruihana approved of closely investigating the merits of the Taranaki question, the necessity of doing which he very ingeniously illustrated.He took a small flax food-kit, inside which he placed something he carefully concealed fro view. There, he said, while the kit is closed who could tell what was inside? It might be something very great or weighty; but when the kit was opened, lo : that was all : (showing a small piece of pumice.)So with this Taranaki affair : until it was examined into it appeared a grievous business, but when inquired into it might turn out a very trifling matter. And he called upon the ministers of religion and other pakehas present this was specially addressed to Mr. McLean) to make the case as clear and light to the Maories as it was to themselves.
"Te Heu Heu (looking angrily at the Rev. J. Morgan, and addressing him energetically) demanded that the overland mail (of which that gentleman takes the management, and of which he was the chief promoter) should be stopped, and that the mail should go 'outside', i.e. by sea :it was dangerous for it come by land. Much was said of the large population of Europeans now in the island : he had never seen it : when he was a fool he was afraid of what the pakehas said ; but now that he had understanding his fears had left him. The Europeans had come to tread down the Maories but the Maories must prevent them, for the Maori had strength as well as the white man. First give up letting land, but above all, send back the mail -send the mail outside -send the white men back to England.
"With the exception of a brother Taupo chief, Te Heu Heu's opposition to the overland mail seemed to meet with little sympathy among the assembly : and Ruihana sarcastically said the speech might stand for what it was worth - he (Ruihana) wanted a plain answer to the question, "What was the real purport of the conference?'
"Ti Ori Ori advocated the continuance of the mail, and declared his determination to do as he pleased with his land.
"Katipa said he had imagined that the great subject of the meeting was the erection of the flagstaff and flag ; but he found that hey had many matters to consider. Let them not go to Taranaki, but remain where they were. - The shrewd chief (who was attired in a white smock and trousers here broke a long stick he held in his hand, and placed the pieces side by side. These were the Maories and Europeans, whom he wished to see united. He should stick to both races.
"Some other chiefs having uttered their sentiments on the mail and Taranaki questions, opinions being very widely different on both subjects , and Karaka te Kaniwha reminding his hearers that if the drove off he Europeans, they would have no one to work their mills.
"Mr. McLean addressed the assembly at some length in explanation of the purchase of the Waitara land, and of the circumstances which have led to military operations against William King and the Taranaki natives, The address concluded the day's korero.
"In the evening a friendly korero was held by the men of the lower Waikato and William Thompson's party. The result was decidely in favour of the explanation given by Mr. McLean,
"Next (Tuesday) morning William Thompson's party took their departure.
"Before leaving, the Missionaries paid a farewell visit to Te Whero Whero - warning him of the evil consequences that would be sure to result from the King movement Mr. McLean also said good bye to his oki friend, Te Whero Whero, who, in reply, said he was but a bundle of bones, and must not be held accountable for the evils that might arise out of this movement. I have to acknowledge my obligation to the friend who undertook to inform me of what occurred at the erection of the Flag-staff.
"P.S. - The Flag-staff has been erected ; guns fired ; Te Whero Whero has at length spoken -but his say has shed no new light on the subject. His heart is evidently not in the movement ; but he is not a free agent -cannot speak out. The 'King movement' is in fact, hardly a 'great fact' for it contains within itself the seeds of premature dissolution. Still, the rule of action for the white man is 'Trust in God, but keep your powder dry.' The knowledge that the pakehas are thus prepared is the best preservative of peace."
NEW SOUTH WALES. - The news from this colony is not important. The natives, it appears, have been committing some serious outrages at New England, within a few miles of Armadale. A novel experiment in the shape of a traction locomotive engine, has been initiated in Sydney. It is intended to travel between Sydney and Goulburn, and the weight it is expected to draw is something like twenty tons. Messrs. Jones and Palmer the proprietors, expect that it will reach Goulburn in two or three weeks making every allowance for the badness of the roads. A telegram from Sydney states that the engine had since accomplished a short portion of the distance with complete success. Some agitation has taken place at Deniliquin, on the river Murray, in consequence of the seizure by the Government of goods crossing the two colonies have not yet been thoroughly adjusted, but a correspondence is taking place now, between the two Governments, which will doubtless end in an amicable settlement of the dispute.
TASMANIA. - There is very little news from this colony. Mr. Ronald Gunn, the head of the exploring party in search of auriferous country, has announced his intention of resigning his seat in the Legislature. No discoveries worth mentioning, it would appear, have been made by the prospecting parties. The proposition to form a railway between Launceston and Deloraine has been postponed for the present.
SOUTH AUSTRALIA. - A grand review of volunteers took place on the anniversary of Her Majesty's accession to the throne, in the presence of His Excellency the Governor, Lady McDonnell, and notables of the place. The review is described as being very imposing, and the efficiency of the volunteers is spoken of in praiseworthy terms. The general news from this colony is of slight importance.
QUEENSLAND. - A Parliament has been formed in this new settlement. A proposition has emanated from it to increase the Governor's salary. It would appear that this new colony is thriving, and that even the attractions of the Snowy River have induced very few to leave it.
Matters theatrical have been exceedingly dull, the majority of our actors having fallen victims to the prevading epidemic. "The Slave" has been produced at the Royal with but indifferent success, and a local burlesque on Sir Walter Scott's "Talisman" has met with a similar reception. Before leaving the colony by the Dover Castle, Mr. Drew appeared in Bob Acres, in the "Rivals." Mr. Brooke playing Sir Lucius O'Trigger. At the Princess melodrama still reigns, though the Holts are at present in the provinces.
A new theatre has been opened in Melbourne, on the site of Tattersall's hotel. It is called the Prince of Wales, and is tastefully fitted up. It is the smallest theatre in Melbourne, being about the size of the London Adelphi. Since its opening it has been principally devoted to equestrianism and ballets. A few nights ago there was an exhibition of sparring in aid of the Tom Sayer Testimonial Fund. The house was crammed to suffocation.
The Olympic Theatre is being converted into a Turkish bath. Miss Herbert, an actress of considerable talent, died a few days ago at Inglewood, where Younges and a very excellent company have been recently laying.''The Melbourne hounds hunt twice a week, and besides the metropolitan there are packs at Geelong and Ballaarat.