
 of Lavender Water or Eau de Cologne can [assure?] you -
Should you be anxious for a letter [little?] sport and would take a [?] [?] over I could manage to give you a days Kangaroo I, Swan, Goose, Turkey, Duck,Quail, pigeon or Wallaby shooting - or should you prefer it an eventf. [eventful] possum or Wild Cat hunting - put [?] You please my Nickle dear -
Well now for a finish - Remember me kindly to all old friends who kindly enquire about me - And give my kind  - lo - lo- lo You know [word crossed out] [?] do not need necessary to mention a long string of names for I often think of all - And wish you and Saro every success & happiness [indecipherable]
Yr truly affectionate [?]


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Ready for review