Volume 2: Letters written on active service, M-W, 1914-1919 - Page 289
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[Page 289]
[On letterhead of The Salvation Army, Naval and Military League, Australian Imperial Force.]
Indian Ocean. At Sea.
13th Nov. 1914
My Dear Mother.
After a very long time I am able to send you a letter again ever since leaving Sydney I have been in the best of health possible not being sick a least bit. The weather all through the voyage has been very good at times being as smooth as Sydney harbor. Dear Old Mum you would hardly know your loving boy he has got so fat & brown (nearly black.) & a moustache that makes a great difference.
So far we have lost two men who died & were buried at Sea. One from A. Company & one from B. Company who was one of my men in the Section his name was Signaller J. S. Lowe a very smart fellow & very much liked by myself & all the members of the company His funeral was very impressive he was carried to the shute by some of his comrades & despatched to his last resting place. The Chaplin read the service after which the Last Post was sounded. I was the chief mourner being his Section Commander. In the afternoon his personal effects were sold by auction to the company who responded with great heart. The things bringing
[Privated John Selby Lowe, No 295, died en route to Egypt on 9 November 1914.]