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[The pages of this letter all stamped as passed by the Censor.]
I trust you & Dr Dunlop are enjoying the best of health & spirits & wish you both a happy continuance of these blessings. I sent you a Xmas greeting some time ago.
I remain
Yours Faithfully
7th A.A.S.C.
N.Z & A. Divn'l Train
N.Z. & A. Division
On Active Service
My Dear Mrs Dunlop
I received your lengthy & welcome letter just before leaving Anzac.
Many thanks for your news & cheerfulness. Give me a nice letter anytime, even before, [dash] an Australian Billy-can & they are hard to beat for comforts, as we found out by the useful & thoughtful articles they contained.
Many thanks Mrs Dunlop for your kind offer to forward anything for my men or myself. But, thanks to you good people at home & the Government, no troops were ever looked after better than the A.I.F. We share in all goods, which that are "pooled" which I consider a very fair system.
Therefore you see, my men & I have already shared in your generosity & good works so along with others, you have a nation's continual thanks. I am well & have been promoted captain since last I wrote.
News is scare here so I will enclose an account of the evacuation which might interest you & the doctors. Being present on the first & last day I am lucky to have seen the Alpha & Omega of an exciting, though unsuccessful attempt to force the Dardenelles
[Written sideways in the left-hand margin:] Don Dunlop 9.8.32