Volume 2: Letters written on active service, M-W, 1914-1919 - Page 425

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[Page 425]

I have never had a day's sickness since I joined the force.
Perhaps I could not say that if I had not enlisted. War is not the only place people die, is it?

I much prefer being here to Egypt. In fact, I don't fancy ever going back to city life. Still "Coalopolis" is just as good, to me, as anywhere & I hope I am allowed to return, when this job is over, to that place. ["Coalopolis" refers to Newcastle, NSW.]
I would give anything to be able to see the war through, without being invalided. I think I will too. Never felt better in my life.

I sent a Army Christmas cake (ration biscuits) to you. Did you receive them.

I appreciate Miss Williams papers.
The Bulletin & N/C Herald are my favourites. Bulletins should be wrapped in ordinary newspapers. They are stolen otherwise I think.

Dear Drs I wish you the best of Greetings & Benefits of Health & Contentment this coming year.

Remember me to Mrs Dunlop, Miss Williams, Nellie Gray & the dispenser.

Yours Faithfully
Clem Walsh Capt.

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