[Page 488]
[Back cover of the card show on pages 477 and 479, with coloured drawings and text, plus a handwritten note from Clem Wash; text transcribed below:]
Australian Comforts Fund.
Xmas & New Year's Greetings 1918-19.
"The Glorious Fourth."
The Battle of Hamel on 4th July, 1918, was the first occasion on which Americans fought side by side with Australians or other British Troops.
The picture [on previous page] shows Aeroplanes of the 3rd Squadron, A.F.C., dropping Ammunition to the assaulting troops by parachute, (an Australian idea, put into practice for the first time). The village burning on the left is Hamel, while the wood behind the barrage, in the centre background, is Accroche Wood.
The tracks in the right foreground are made by the caterpillars of the Tanks, the white mound is part of an old trench which had just been cleared of the enemy.
The Battle of Hamel paved the way for the great advance of 8th August, 1918, from Villers-Bretonneux.
[Drawing of a German Naval Gun, with caption:]
Captured by teh Australians
A 14 C.M. German Naval Gun intact with its Train & Equipment.
[Hand written note:] To Dr & Mrs N J Dunlop
[Greetings from:] Clem. Walsh