Volume 2: Letters written on active service, M-W, 1914-1919 - Page 127
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[Page 127]
great being down by Australians soon and I hope I will be well in it.
I was sorry to hear of the death of Mrs Owen and allow me to remark that us boys over here has lost a good friend for I read of the good work Mrs Owen & her daughter done for us. I don't think any Army has such good people as we have to look after their soldiers and Please God we shall soon be with them again.
Well Miss King I am sending you a nice souvenir in the shape of a piece of propellor of a German Aeroplane brought down by an Australian Airman just behind the lines were we were have a rest. I seen him fetch him down and with my mate we rushed the hun so as he could not destroy his plane and clear off. We were the first on the spot and believe me the Hun Airman