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February 2, 1916 Wednesday

Revielle as per usual

The CO never put in an appearance last night they got to Waddy Natrune OK at 3.15 then set out for El Bookir then later Bir Victoria the three got there alright & as juice was running low they sent Charlie on to Kattaba to see if he could pick up some more he wired back to the effect that none was available, he thereon set out for home where he arrived at 7.30. Mel & the boss had in the meantime met a car coming in from the Waddy & they got each a bottleful of juice & the Boss thought they had enough to bring them home, they then set out at 5.15 for here everything went OK for a couple of miles then the Boss did his nut & shot out of the desert, by this time it was pitch dark & none of the lamps burning. Mel kept straight

February 3, 1916 Thursday

on & finally reached Kattaba where he put in the night, at 9.15 the Boss was lost, no news came through during the night, in the morning Cox with petrol set out to find him, which he did just outside Kattaba, he had run out of petrol at 9 oclock in the desert & was then 5 miles from the railway he shoved the bike there & slept along side of it as the night was bitterly cold he didn't have too much of that, in the morning a trolley manned by 6 nigs hove in sight, the Boss put the bike on this & was pushed into Kattaba by them he paid them the large sum of 10PT for their trouble later he was found by Chas & returned here at 1 pm, he only had 8 falls & is one mass of bruises, Mel came down later by train, he thoroughly enjoyed the time.

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