Item 02: Leslie William Sutherland diary, 1 January-13 December 1916 - Page 114
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[Page 114]
10 August, 1916 Thursday
Slept in till all hours & built a decent humpy for ourselves out of palm leaves etc. we visited several Hods in search of water without success until Hod Minsala where the Turks have sunk innumerable wells of a first class character. Prisoners have been arriving all day & remark that our artillery fire was most deadly & accounted for hundreds of casualties, also our machine gun & rifle fire was far & away more superior that the enemys, their wounded are still being brought, they moved their hospital today & several large fires are burning, probably stores, they got their heavy guns away to Salmana OK, we got into their commissariat at Debabis especially their preserved fruits, we are now bivouaced at Hod-el-Negliate
11 August, 1916 Friday
Rested all day at Negliate the 3rd Bde & NZ succeeded in driving them out of Salmana so probably now one job for the time being is finished.
The Turks left more notices at Bir-el-Abd, one reading "Attention – Cholera, Best wishes from the German Ambulance" & on the back several cases of Cholera have been treated here only heaps of ashes were to be found no stores whatsoever.
Spent the day in camp & in all have had a perfect rest.