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January 19, 1916 Wednesday
75 wks of soldiering
Revielle as per usual
Exercising horses without packs all day, horses are coming along finely my bris[?] is OK although has a touch of hampers which is very prevalent in these parts at present; the 1st Regt sent a troop down to the Resovoir which supplies Alexandria with moia the Bedouins have been very annoyant of late and threatening many places of note. The CO went out this afternoon to the hill 8 ml out where the 3rd Regt can be picked up, they got there to find its impossible for the nature & formation of the country is against visual work, so motor cyclists are to be tried in a day or two, we have to go armed to the teeth & carry water & emergency rations, so the trip ought to prove very interesting, considering that the regt is just on 40 miles out.
January 20, 1916 Thursday
Awoke to find part of the North Pole unhinged for the night & has been exceptionally cold, stables was welcomed for once especially the grooming part. A non-swearing crusade has been started in the mess & Faroe had the honor of being the first donor, contributions are to go towards buying fags. The regiments had an impromptu review this afternoon, they are getting along nicely now but the foot drill & ceremonial is very patchy at present, in the afternoon further exercising.
I made a table out of the timber "generously" given to us, then wrote letters, mail arrived about 40 bags but it being all old stuff there was nothing for me.
Later in the afternoon some of the Tommy Engineers nuts found our plant of timber & there's likely to be trouble for there's been a lot missing lately.
Bed at 11 pm.