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Revielle as usual
Horses & men proceed out to the Grove as usual, men get inoculated again for Typhoid & is already playing up with some of them.
The CO & myself went out to the catacombs on the motors & after climbing the bare face of the mount eventually gained the summit, inspected the tombs & saw hundreds of mummies, some lately unearthed, others had been up for some time, bones & parts of bodies lay all over the place, had a go at a fox but missed him, he was too far off for accurate shooting. The CO had a bit of trouble with Mel's machine, the clutch again giving trouble & later on his pump connection came adrift, but eventually all lobbed home safely.
Turned in at 10.30 to an accompaniment of wind & dust.
15 April, 1916 Saturday
Revielle at 5.15
Rumors afloat that we are to lose all our surplus horses, the second regt are taking them over for they are a good few below strength, nevertheless we wont be sorry to see them go although some of the originals will accompany them.
Shipping on the Nile has been exceptionally heavy lately, nearly all pottery & the results of the last harvest, the country at present looks great for all the corn is in & stacked & the fields are just being broken up again for the next crop & everything is looking as fresh as paint, the opium crop has been exceptionally good this year & the niggers are eating the seeds whereas they at other times put them on the markets.
Arrangements are on the go to have a sports day on the 25th (Anzac day) & I have been appointed delegate to Sig Tp.
Played cards till 10 & then inshied no alarm.