Series 01: Rowland Hassall, papers, 1797-1820, 1860: No. 416
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[indecipherable] [Oct?] [indecipherable]
Dear Brother [Hapsall?],
I take my pen to [a?] [thoughtful?] renewal of our long [suspended?] [indecipherable] [correspondence?] us your dear Thomas my highly [indecipherable] [young?] [precious?] who has for years been a medium of my correspondence with your family is gone from the colony! [Always?] welcome was his letter to me from [Batavia?] by the [Activia!?] His being in the [indecipherable] but increasing providence of God. [Brought?] [is?] unexpectedly to that place which of all the places on the face of the globe he was most [anxious?] to [see?] and when he met with some of the [demons?] [and?] [of?] [indecipherable] [indecipherable] where conversation he hopes had [seen?] [indecipherable] profitable to him, is very remarkable!