Series 01: Rowland Hassall, papers, 1797-1820, 1860: No. 240
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Parramatta July 31 1813
My dear Mrs Nott
Yours per favor Bro Henry -
came safe to hand, and I anxiously imbrace his return to answer the same. - I have the pleasure to acknowledge that through the good providence of God My Dear Husband and each of our children injoy a good share of health and peace for which I desire to bless his holy names and pray that you and your dear Husband may injoy the same blessings in a superior degree - I was very glad to hear of your speedy Voyage only 28 day to Tahieti\a, what cause for thankfullness when you compare the same with poor Ship Christies - 16 weeks. I hope the good providence of God will fill you with thankfullness - your letter was also a matter of grief as well as gladness, to hear of my 3 dear sisters being taken off - I cant inform you how my mind was effected - a circumstance I so little expected O dear Mrs. N. How uncertain the comforts of life - and even life itself, these things considered; what, what, manner of women ought we to be in all holy conversation and godlyness, O let us consider that altho they are no more, yet they are a Voice to us to be doubly diligent in the work of the Lord = O that