
[MS 228

Keepers to receive into His Majesties Store  all the grain that the landholders - could grow giving directions that if the wheat would not keep in the grain it should be ground into flour and preserved in casks - a Method well adopted to strick at the Root of the practice of these decievable higglers for -  while the industrerous settler can put his grain into the store for good money he can go to the best market through which the strolling vagarants are obliged to return to Industery and their Agents who are afraid to shew their faces in the Profits they covet are found to withdraw, if I may be allow'd the expression in Silent Rage  -  Governor Bligh aiming so much at the Vitles of the dreadfull
practices of this colony we cannot be surprised that he has met with so much opersition from the quarter he has and I hope and trust that it will eventually prove of great service to [indecipherable], for as the banefull evils of the Colony are rooted deep in the

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