Series 01: Rowland Hassall, papers, 1797-1820, 1860: No. 295
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Eimeo, Sept 18th 2815.
Dear Brother,
Although on the score of Epistolary debts, I may perhaps, reckon myself free of obligations, not having heard anything from you since my return to these Islands, as far as I recollect; yet in other respects I most freely and gratefully acknowledge my many obligations to yourself and family, and should have written to you often but for the great hurry I am constantly in whenever a vessel touches here on her return to the Colony - and beside this, my time, almost continnually [continually] from morning to night is swallowed up in the concerns of these poor people - My School which I have commenced under many disadvantages, and surrounded with various discouragements, having at last prospered and [?] beyond anything that I ever dared to expect or hope for, it consists now of more that 660 Schollars [scholars], chiefly [?] persons, you can easily conceive that in our circumstances, the concerns of this number will not allow me much spare time. It is true that for several months past, brother Tesner [?] has given me what assistance he could, but it cannot be much, as he can neither understand nor pronounce the language in which the people are to be taught, however, for some time past, the natives themselves have been of great service in
teaching one another, and many have made a very pleasing progress in Spelling, reading and writing. The rest of the bretheren [brethren] here have paid no attention to this Subject, but have for a long time past being Chiefly employed about building our [?], which has proved a heavy piece of work, and it is not yet finished, one cause of which is the melancholy event, the Death of our late brother Scott. A few days ago, we sent a large Packet of Letters by Capt. Campbell, but whether, they will come to hand before this, is uncertain.
We wrote to his Excellency in answer a very kind letter, which he has been pleased to send us by Capt. C. He takes a warm interest in the prosperity, and success of this [?].