Series 01: Rowland Hassall, papers, 1797-1820, 1860: No. 021
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[MS 40] Received this August 30th 1801
Mr Rowland Hassal
New Holland
[? fav Mr Marsden]
[MS 41]
Sydney 5th Feby.1801
Dear Brors.
I have the happiness to inform you, that
having made my appearance, to Mr Smith the Provost Martial,
he immediately reported the same to Govr King; and in 10 minutes
after I rece'd the glad tidings, that I was a prisoner at large, entirely
at liberty to go were I thought proper,
but to make my
appearance to the P.M. once a day. I was very sorry on my
arrival at the Royal [Admiral] to find Cap Wilson had proceeded
to the Hawkesbury. I was fearful of being returned to my old
Den. Hope Mrs H, is well the children and also -
I am yours sincerely
Wm Smith
all the Missionaries compl. to Mr. Mrs.H. and Family