Series 01: Rowland Hassall, papers, 1797-1820, 1860: No. 003
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of his devices, disappoint them, by long suffering, by loving kindness, by mutual bearing, & forbearing one another, in Honour preferring others to yourselves, & having no contention, but who shall love our Lord Jesus Christ with truest Sincerity, & serve him in deepest humility & devotedness of Heart. Oh how often have I longed to transport myself among you, to behold your order, & the steadfastness of your faith. Surely we shall feel we live, & live for some blessed purpose, if ye stand fast in the Lord. – remember the great Apostle, to learn of him to bear one anothers burdens, to consider thyself least thou also be tempted, & to heal every breach as Speedily as possible, forbearing one another and forgiving one another, as God for Christ sake hath forgiven you.
The humblest, the most patient, the last to offend, & the first to make peace, will be the chief in the Eyes of the Lord. Is there a broken bone? bind it up: Is there a fault? let it be covered & healed in Love and in the Spirit of Meekness: Is there a coldness or distance? break down the wall of Separation, return to Union & confidence. ye are Brethren, & in your present situation bound by peculiar Ties.
You have had the Society's Instructions and I can hardly add, to those already given to you, read them over weigh them, exhort each other daily whilst it is called to day [in?] the observance of them
Is there an Otaheitian Brother or Sister joined to the Lord in one Spirit, convey to them our Kindest regards, our loving benediction
But you are Anxious to hear of our Affairs – Glory to God, a great spirit is stirred up round about to
spread the everlasting Gospel. as a Society we stand fast, and redouble our efforts. We wait & long for the glad Tidings from your far country to renew our operations with vigour – We have laboured and have not fainted. a Mission of Six consecrated to God, is now on the Seas, to penetrate into Africa, and on that forlorn Hope to offer their Lives. I feel for them. A Thousand times I have thought on you & your field, and my Soul will cleaveth to the Isles of the Sea. but God can make the Desert of Africa bud & blossom as the Rose.
Friday next a Solemn consecration of Dr. Van der Kemp a Dutch Physician of singular abilities is to be made. The missionary Sermons warmed his Heart, he devoted himself to the Heathen; he came to us after pleasing Correspondence from Holland, whither he is returning to try what can there be done – we hope e're long, the Isle of Ceylon, or the Country to the North & East of the cape of Good hope will be blessed with Gospel light, He is an elderly, able man, & fitted to Support & guide his younger Brethren.
great efforts are making among ourselves to spread the Gospel thro the Villages, and in various places associations are formed & commenced for this blessed work
We have also a fresh body of Missionary Brethren ready to start with you in the same race, Oh that each of you may so run as to obtain!