Series 01: Rowland Hassall, papers, 1797-1820, 1860: No. 297
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party at Taheiti [Tahiti] , and I hope that a general peace is now about being established, the furious persecutors of Taheiti have hitherto been disappointed, the war having taken a turn, entirely unintended and unexpected by its first projectors. And there appears a remarkable interference of Providence in what that hitherto has taken place - Br. Crook has repeatedly dignified to us his desire and intention of coming to join us, this we look upon as very desirable and would bid him a hearty welcome, should Providence so order it, yet have fears lest Mrs G should not be happy, and contented in a place like this, and with a large family, which is common with us must here be subject to [?] privation. We also apprehend that the news about the war will be discouraging; but on the other hand, br. C. might be very careful in the immediate work of the Mission, and we greatly want assistance.
Should it so happen that Mr Marsden's vessel has sailed for the islands, and br. C. in it, I should esteem it a favour, if you be so good as to inquire [enquire] at Sydney about a letter and report to Dr. Carey, Calcutta, and sent by Capt. Campbell and endeavour to forward it to India the first opportunity - I make no inquiries [enquiries] about the Cattle, because I take it for granted
that Br C. has settled with you about the expences [expenses] incurred, if otherwise, please to inform me - I should certainly esteem it a favour to hear from you, yet
am willing to make allowance for your various [?], I know what it is to be in a hurry, and to want time, and am not inclined to [?] your good will to us and the [?] by the infrequency of your writing - I must now conclude, only adding my kind respects to Mrs H. and all the family I can assure you that I shall ever retain a grateful sense of the kindness I have experienced under your hospitable roof, and that am in the bonds of Christian affection
Yours sincerely
John Davies