
different Islands where [indecipherable] stationed.  I wish you would talk to Mr M and to your friends particularly friends of [?] about it but by the bye I hope Mr M will have nothing to do with it.  I am exceeding [exceedingly] sorry that his vessel came hither and especially that the old woman was brought for the [?] the [?]   They did keep themselves within some bounds which were on board, but now they show themselves to be a [?] all set as Mr Smith mate of the Queen Charlotte will inform you.  They set a sad example before the eyes of the nation.  They have propagated many evil reports of the Missionaries & of me in particular.  Because there is a scarcity here & we therefore send to Tahiti for a few [?],[hogs?] we are said to have injured Mr M's interest all that we could, Pomare has informed us that the Capt. said we were all very bad men except Mr. Henry.  At the Leward  T. Nichols vessel came in & spoiled his trade by selling a [?] gun [?].   I am charged with sending him
there when it is well known I had but a few minutes conversation with Nichols Capt. in the presence of all or most of my brethren & proposed no such information as I am said to have given him.   I am also charged with the fault that masts were [?] brought from New Zealand because it is said I displeased the

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