
If poor Samuel who was very ill when we heard last, should be no more in this world you can give the five pounds appointed for him to any of your cousins.
     I have only to add that you have my best wishes and constant prayer for your [future?] welfare, may our dear Lord make you not only [conscient?], but a faithful [champion?] of Jesus Christ until death, and dispose of you according to his sovereign will, is the serious prayer of
              My dear Son
                     Your affectionate Father

Mr. Thos Hassall
Revd & dear [Sirs?]
     Since closing my letters the Revd Saml Marsden has given my Son Thomas a letter of Credit on you as secretary to the Missionary Society, in order to authorize him to draw such sums from the Missionary funds that he may need in his present [situation?] for which sums he is to draw upon me, bills of [Echge?] in favour of the Revd Saml Marsden, which bills I do by this Note pledge myself to honer [as?] payment, when Mr Marsden will take care that such sums that I pay into his hands, will be duly [carried?] & deducted from the [?] of the Tahetiean Mission. your kind Compliance with this plan of Mr. Marsdens in faver of my son Thomas will greatly help
              Revd & dear [Sirs?]
                       Yours very Sincerely
                                W. Hassall
   Revd. G. Burder
      Secretary to
           the Mission. Society.

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Ready for review