Series 01: Rowland Hassall, papers, 1797-1820, 1860: No. 015
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around you of chearfull submission to the laws and government of the Colony, & of respect to those into whose hands authority is committed ~
We persuade ourselves that you feel so much fraternal affection towards each other that it woud be superfluous in us to exhort you to its preservation - You know that to indulge a controversial spirit woud very much tend to reproduce division & uncivil consequences among you, and that an obstinate & unyielding disposition is sure to destroy the spirit of concord - expect not therefore Brethren to think exactly alike upon all subjects. & let not a difference in opinion interfere with your mutual love -
We request you will keep a journal of all material occurrences, and forward a copy of it to us as you have opportunity; - you will write us as frequently as possible, and suggest to us any plans which may appear to you practicable for the spread of the Gospel - embrace any opportunity that may offer of communication with your Brethren in the Friendly or Society Islands, and shoud you hear by any means from them, inform us of every particular as speedily as possible - - On account of the uncertainty of the safe reception of your letters, it will be advisable to send duplicates -
We noted to you in our former letter, the desirous impression which divine Grace has made upon many of the Convicts on board the Hillsborough thro' the instrumentality of Dr Van der Kemp & his Associates; we again recommend these young Convicts to your
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[letters missing] and assiduous attention, that the sacred principles which have been infused into hearts may be strengthened so that they may exhibit a conspicuous testimony of the wonderfull efficacy of the power of the Gospel, and be the means of communicating the [missing letters] blessing to those around them, who remain in that state of transgression & Condemnation from which they have been so lately rescued. - We consider these redeemed Sinners as best fruits of our institution, and tho' personally unknown to us, we regard them as our spiritual children, feel a paternal solicitude for their prosperity; bear them upon our minds at the throne of Grace, and are anxious to hear that they hold fast in profession, and bring forth the fruits of righteousness unto eternal life -
From the state of things at the Colony, and also from your own letters, we infer that by [indecipherable] of your exertions, the necessaries of life may be procured & We trust you will by [indecipherable] patient industry, humility and contentment to all around you - We should [missing letters] it a misfortune to you if the means of substance were to be obtained without labour. We are persuaded that a state of ease and inaction woud be extremely injurious to your actual prosperity and [indecipherable] and impede your usefulness - We trust therefore it will not be needfull [indecipherable] that our institution should be liable to any further expence - but as it happens that you may be encouraged to attempt the promotion of our Saviour's Kingdom in different ways which we cannot here anticipate, and which may occasion an expence which you may not be able conveniently to sustain, we think it right to authorise [indecipherable] of the Colony in such a case to draw upon our Treasurer as much as may be requisite, not exceeding the sum of Two hundred Pounds - this you consider as a Fund lodged with him.