Series 01: Rowland Hassall, papers, 1797-1820, 1860: No. 087
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quaintance with the manners and customs of the people, &c
give them a great advantage over Europeans, enabling them to
convey their ideas in a more forcible manner; nor are they, by
any means inferior to Europeans in point of eloquence, and
many other natural qualifications.
In the month of January last a Church was formed at
Dinagapore, about 300 miles to the north, under the pastoral
care of our Brother Fernandez. The amounts we receive
from that neighbourhood are of a very pleasing nature. Several
persons appear to be enquiring the way to Zion.
One of our number, Brother Chamberlain, is preaching
the Gospel at Cutwa about 80 or 90 miles to the north. He has
resided in that neighbourhood about two years. A number
of people come from different directions, and some from places many
miles distant, to enquire about the Gospel.
For several years past we have had started preaching
at Calcutta, both on Sabbath and on week days, in a room
hired for the purpose. Lately a piece of ground has been
purchased in order to erect a Chapel. Though Calcutta is a
place, like many other great cities in the world, abounding
with iniquity, yet there are a few in it who love and fear
the Lord and we hope their number is increasing. That
city has been blessed for many years with a gospel ministry,
[??] by the instrumentality of the Rev. Messr Brown & Buchanan,
and within these few months past three more evangelical
Clergymen have arrived from England, (chaplains to the
company,) who appear to have the good of souls really at
heart. These, however, will not remain in the metropolis,
but are appointed to different stations in the country. One
of them is already gone. We have reason to hope that
they may be rendered blessings to such a country as this
when every kind of iniquity is so prevalent.
We have great reason to bless God for what he has
done, and is still doing, in looking out from among the
heathen a people for his name: yet we are not without
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trials and difficulties. This Company will scarcely permit any
unlicenced Europeans to travel in their dominions, even
though their sole object be to seek the good of souls. Would to
God that men were not so blind to their own interests
But the work in which we are engaged is God's, and
he will carry it on in his own time and way.
One great part of our work is that of translating
and publishing the Scriptures into the different oriental
languages. Nearly all the Scriptures are translated into their
Bengalee, and a great part of the new Testament into several
other languages.
Thus we have taken the liberty in a friendly manner, to acquaint you with what the Lord is doing among
us. We shall always be highly gratified to hear of the
success of your labours, and what the Lord is doing in
that part of the world. Remember us most affectionately
to all who love our Lord Jesus Christ in sincerity, and
believe us to be.
Dear Brother
Yours sincerely
in the gospel of our common Lord
W. Carey
R. Mardon
J. Chater
Joshua Rowe
Wm Moore
Felix Carey
W. Ward