
[MS 18]

the loss accounting to £10000. £4000 was raised in a fortnight, and had not this intelligence been succeeded by more afflictive afflictive still the whole would have been raised in a few Weeks more. The News of yr departure from Otaheite, has inflicted such a wound, that will not easily be healed.  We are unable to express our astonishment - the enemy triumphs and an enemy he must be to God who does triumph at the troubles of Zion. Offences will come - but woe to him [whom] by they come.  A thousand thoughts revolve in my mind upon this subject, & tho' we forbear to press public judgment upon it as it respects yourselves until we hear from you; yet I can hardly tell how to pronounce you blameless from the information received. Scores of times have I thought with pain of what you said to me on board the Duff, "that if you had not more sugar you would not go."  The saying made me humble when ever I thought of it.  What must your reflexions be when you realise all the evils attendant 


upon this transaction - you will wish you had never been born or had died the day you proposed your self, especially if you have not maintained the character in which you set out. The Society rejoiced on yr return of the Duff and immediately undertook to visit you and strengthen your hearts and hands - the Duff  was enlarged - and stored with every thing you could want. Vast numbers of Packages were sent to yr Missionaries from friends, and none so many as to Mr Cover, beside what went as the common stock for the Society. Among others your old friend Gregory went out and his family. Nay everything was done that our imagination could paint us conducing to yr gratification; but - but - but - I forbear. Nevertheless I advise you not to return to England - Rather stay at Port Jackson or in the neighbourhood - you may there preserve the Christian character, and do good. May God bless you - make you there unblameless Christians and render you very useful in yr life and labours, & while you are carving the meal

Current Status: 
Ready for review