
[MS 168]

attending Mr Crooks stay & situation in the Colony.  We assume therefore that yourself or Mr. Crook would write to the Director giving them a fair and full statement of his affairs and we also will recommend his case to them.  As to the man you have recommended to us, it appears that he got enough of this country at first sight and probably his report will discourage others from the like experiment; as to himself we think it was well that he did return of his own accord when & as he did for we are persuaded that his religion is all a cheat.  Some of the brethren heard him swearing and cursing in a shocking manner.  It appears that there is at N.S. Wales a very wrong notion of this island and of what we may do for any that think proper to come here in like manner.  We do not conceive ourselves to  have power to receive any one a member of our Society except he was first approved of by the directors at home.  To receive a good man as a member of our Church we might, but that would not entitle to our privileges as missionaries.  This island is again involved in war. ? has invaded the disaffected districts of the [.....?] & [.....?] killed a great number of the inhabitants, among whom were most of the disaffected Chiefs which are all, they say, to be cut off root and branch, before peace is restored.  We are grieved at these proceedings, but cannot prevent them and as the conquering party is friendly to us we do not conceive ourselves to be in any danger from the present commotions. We hope the Lord will ever rule the present dispensation for greater good in the end.  In respect to the success of the Mission, things remain much the same as before.  Br. Jefferson is very ill, he intended to take his passagge in the Elizabeth for N.S. Wales but has given up the idea from an apprehension he would die on the passage.  We need not enlarge as br Youll can give you further information.  Please to give our kind respects to Mrs Hassel & believe that we are dear [Lester?]  Yours affectionately in the hands of the Gospel
                                                                 John Davies for the Society

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