Series 01: Rowland Hassall, papers, 1797-1820, 1860: No. 058
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judge, as being better acquainted with the degree of usefulness connected with your present situation, as also with the line of duty in reference to your family.
It is with considerable regret we hear it rumoured that his Excellency Governor King talks of returning to England. We hope it is only report, as we fear few successors wou'd take so lively an interest in our affairs. Nor can we easily forget his kindness, or that of the Rev. Mr. Marsden to the Missionaries at Otaheite & Port Jackson.
You will be gratified to hear, that in South Africa the state of Missionary Affairs is encouraging. Of this you will be more fully informed by reading the Evangelical Magazines, which are sent for your perusal.There are now nine Men, designed mostly for new Stations, receiving instruction under the tuition of Mr. Bogue. One of them was a Jew, but is now a lively, & zealous follower of the Lamb.
In England the hand of the Lord is not slack in sending out Ministers into Towns & Villages. Hosts of young Men are employed in teaching the children of the poor to read, and furnishing them with such knowledge as tends to promote their future happiness.
There is also a large number of [indecipherable][indecipherable] Ministers in the established Church; so that[knowledge is ardently increasing, but alas! alas! what millions, [indecipherable] continents, yet remain
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uninformed! What thick & spreading forests upon which the feller has not yet laid his Axe! What multitudes around you whose mid-day conduct is a reproach to human nature! O God, by whom shall Israel arise? Who will go up for Us? Who shall gather & reanimate the dry bones of the valley? Awake! O arm of the Lord & put on strength.
Speak, O Saviour, & the graves shall open - Blow O wind! & the Slain shall live. O, dear Sir, Do you not feel your heart impelled to utter the loud Amen? As for Us, by the blessing of God upon Us, we continue active informing the great objects of the Society, and tho' disasters & distressing circumstances occur, we are unwilling to relax or be discouraged 'till the Lord Jesus Christ has set in judgement in the Earth, the Isles wait for his Law.
We beg to present Christian remembrances to Mrs, Hassall & believe us yours to Serve in the Cause of our Lord Jesus Christ
Sign.d in the name of the
Directors of the Missionary Society
Joseph Hardcastle
London 20 March 1803.