Series 01: Rowland Hassall, papers, 1797-1820, 1860: No. 052
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[MS 94]
My expection was soon altered the next day [indecipherable]
taken place and carried of the mortal [indecipherable frame?] into [indecipherable]
unknown world, her weak state of body was great
but the sabbath which was June 7 1801 she died in the Lord
the last words I think I heard her say and
sit and sings herself away to everlasting bliss which Mrs [indecipherable]
then spoke in anser & her final words was those
For we know that if house of [indecipherable] his tabbernakle dissolve
we end soon
that day three week the dear William
after is mother,
Thomas & Elizabeth are find [fi..d] Children
but I was in a very low way for sometime
but through mercy was restord
I settled again Nov 24 1802 to Elizabeth
Hunderhill she lived at Mr Birdes' this
last few Years which we are very Comfortable Brother John lives with Docr Vernom
[suckey] lives in London
I hope you will excuse all faults
we join Dear Bro & sister & you
dear little Cuzens in love accept of
our love
from your relatives
Thos & Elizabeth Hancox
[MS 95]
The monthly prayer meeting for the spread
of the gospel at home and abroad increase
and love among Christians to abound very
much we had a very pliasing sight last
Tuesday was week at west Orchard the Warickshire Ascoation of ministers meet with many
of their respectif Churchis and all as one
family sat down to received the Lord supper
in the eveing of that day 7 Oclock the pleace
was filld and a solmon attention was their
and I hope a time to be remember, the minister
was Ingagemin the ordinance and more was preachd
and I hope I can say much of the presents
of the Lord was their which made it a good time
of refreshment to every soul, But I now begin
to inform you what as taken please place in
the familys your [Fath] Hassall is well in health in [Body]
Father Hancox continue in the same house and
better in health then he been for long time &
Mary is married to Mr Penny widdower one little
girl by is former wife and your sister expects to
have the first next June likewise Abraham wife
which was Ann Smith counts for the same time
Samuel wife is Just got up of the 2 Child which
is a boy the first a girl but I now have told you
of the increase I must tell of the decrease which
took place 1801 my own wife at the time of Child
birth on the last day of may taken in labour
and abed in two[days which she [indecipherable]
hardly think the time of difficulty over
[safe] [indecipherable] [indecipherable] [indecipherable]